"GeoMetrics - Vector Calculator" is an app used to solve several problems in connection with vector calculus.
All solutions are shown with the calculation methods and can easily be saved and exported as PDF-file.
Function overview:
- Simple vector calcusus: Sum, difference, dot/scalar produkt, cross product of 2 vectors.
- (Parametric) Equation of:
Line from 2 points
Line from point and vector
Plane from 3 points
Plane from point and normal
Plane from point and 2 vectors
Sphere from center and radius
Sphere from center and diameter
Sphere from center and point on spheres surface
- Distance between:
2 points
Line and point
2 lines
Plane and point
Plane and line
Sphere and point
Sphere and line
Sphere and Plane
- Intersection:
2 lines
Line and plane
2 Planes
3 Planes
Sphere and line
Sphere and plane
- Angle between:
2 vectors
Plane and vector/line
2 planes
- Projection of
Vector on Vector
Point on Plane
- Geometry:
Trigonometry: Calculation of sides, angles, heights, circumcircle and area of triangles
Even though this app has been tested, there may still be errors in some calculations. Please report bugs and miscalculations to apps@millstream.de